Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Life and love are calling you...

Are you listening? Can you tune into your heart's deepest longing?

One way I tune in is by keeping a journal and taking mindfulness breaks through out the day. Sometimes I use quotes as writing prompts to reflect and connect with what's happening in my life. 

While some quotes are cliche and over used others are original words from individuals who give or have given of themselves. In writing down their experiences they pass their wisdom on through words and actions. The ones that bring inspiration are ones that help us shift our perspective on how we view and live life, love and ourselves. 

Leo Buscaglia's words are inspiring and filled with love and healing. He gave love, spoke about it and helped many students and people learn about the power of living life from a loving perspective. He lived life in service to helping others connect with compassion, love and life. The quote below is one that can inspire, help us pause and reflect on what matters most in life.

"DON'T MISS LOVE. It's an incredible gift. I love to think that the day you're born, you're given the world as your birthday present. It frightens me to think that so few people even bother to open up the ribbon! Rip it open! Tear off the top! It's just full of love and magic and joy and wonder and pain and tears. All of the things that are your gift for being human. Leo Buscaglia"

The prompts below can help you let go of living in your thoughts, the past/future and connect with the life that is right here and available to you right now:  (you can use a journal to jot down your responses):
  • What I appreciate about today is....
  • One thing I appreciate about myself is...
  • One thing I appreciate about my loved ones are...
  • I feel fully alive when...
  • What happiness feels like in my body...
  • A healing way I can respond to sadness is...
  • One activity that connects me to my breath, my body and this moment is...

It helps when we connect with the vibrant life that is right here. Once you complete the questions about take a moment and practice the following:

  • Pause and connect with the breath as it comes into the body. (Not just taking the breath for granted and breathing in and out)
  • Attune to the sensation of the breath coming into the body and flowing out. 
  • Notice the fullness as you breath in and the possibility of relaxing and letting go as you breathe out. 
  • Notice the sensations in the chest, lungs and belly as you take in a new breath...
  • Appreciate this moment of pure awareness, of connecting with the life that's right here without stories or judgments. 

May you be happy
May you be peaceful
May you be well 

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